Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Hello Goodbye

Well, I'm home.  It's like...waking up from a really, really, really, REALLY good dream.

It's great to see my family again and be in my own home again; to have a bathroom in which I can actually stretch my arms and not bruise myself; to have a regular-sized refrigerator and not a cold locker; to have my piano; to sleep in my own bed...

...but I miss so much about London and what my life was like there!  I miss my London family, the free museums, 6 Bedford Square, Room Awesome, Tesco/Waitrose...  I want to walk to campus again.  I want to buy £1 microwave meals and crisps at Tesco.  I want to get lost in The British Museum or National Gallery.  I want to stay out really late and lose my voice screaming the lyrics to "Don't Stop Believing" at The Rocket.  I want Indian food!


It's related, I promise: yesterday, I caught up on the final episodes of Ugly Betty.

I didn't think I could be so affected by, my life so invested in, a television show.  I remember the first few episodes years back, there was all this uproar about a show with an ugly girl as the protagonist: people thought it was groundbreaking, people thought it was stereotyping.  Whatever, I watched all four seasons dutifully.  These last few episodes got me thinking how much the life of Betty Suarez mirrors the life of Sandra Moy.  

It's eerie, in fact, how similar we are.  Betty gets her braces off (check), Betty writes a blog (check), Betty loses some weight (check), Betty meets boys (well...I need to work on that), Betty goes to London (CHECK), Betty blogs about London (check and check, obviously).

I cried when Betty leaves her life and her job in New York to move to bigger, better things in London.  When she says goodbye to her family...that scene got me.  That was what I was like, leaving home earlier this year.  Honestly, when I was watching that episode, it was like looking back into my own life.  Then, I rejoiced when she was frolicking around London with her new successful career, and I still can't believe they made Trafalgar Square such an integral part of her life.  Seriously, Silvio Horta, way to jack my story!!  Just kidding, I really enjoyed every minute of it.

One day, one day.  When I am a successful cardiologist (or something), I will move to London and do a Betty Suarez.

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