Sunday, January 31, 2010

A Room with a View

Today is Sunday.  Today is laundry day and finish-reading-and-studying-orgo/psychology day.  So naturally, I'm blogging instead.

We have been in London for 2 1/2 weeks already.  People have finally caught on that I am not in New York anymore by virtue of my foreign Facebook status updates and influx of pictures from non-New-York-y places.  They're all inquiring as to how I am doing in London, and I find myself answering that I AM GREAT!  (blogger's note: this is a touchy-feely entry; read at your own peril)

This might be the first time in my life that I have been so happy for such a prolonged period of time.  I'm not emo, I'm not depressed, but usually if I were at home, I would feel...neutral, nonchalant, "meh".  Here, when people ask me how I am, I can always and honestly reply that I am content with my life, happy, comfortable, safe.  It helps that the expected seasonal affective disorder due to London's supposed ubiquitous rain and clouds has not affected me - on the contrary, we have had many days of blue skies and sun!  I heard New York is actually colder and rainier now!

One of my favorite things to do here is look out the window of my dorm room.  The view is not spectacular, but it is very interesting and dense nonetheless.  I'm doing it right now, actually, which is why I am writing about it.  From my room, you can see the steeples and spires that make up, not a church or cathedral, but rather King's Cross/St. Pancras Station.  It is a bit Hogwartsian, if you ask me, and Undergrond scenes from the Harry Potter movies were filmed in St. Pancras.  Also you can see a massive hangar building, which is the rear platforms of the station.  Nearby is Tesco's on Caldonian Road.  I can see when it is open (12pm on Sundays) and when it is closed, and when people file in and out with their groceries.  Finally, there is a large apartment building directly in front of us that is a weird, indescribable shape, but is pleasant to look at.  There are lots and lots and lots of smaller/shorter buildings all around, and it looks like a bit of a mishmash from up here, but it is quirky enough to be interesting.  Yesterday morning, we looked out the window and noticed that it had snowed overnight and there was a light layer of frost covering all the rooftops.  The best thing is that we face southwest, so we can sometimes catch the sunset on a cloudless day. 

I love London, I love my life at this very moment ♥


  1. :]
    Hate to say I told ya so, but I TOLD YA SO! (Lovingly)
    I'm so happy for you! Here's to blue skies and sunshine for the rest of your trip too!!

  2. See you there!

    Wow, has it really been 2 1/2 weeks? I'm glad you're having fun over there; I've been living vicariously through you, to some extent. Just don't go crazy and decide to make London your new home and never come back. New York needs you back eventually!
